28 January 2009

I'm a Fan

This heartbreaking read, Comfort, of a mother's sudden, irretrievable loss of her amazing five-year-old daughter, Gracie Bell, was really, really, incredibly raw and gorgeous, and made me a stalwart fan of writer Ann Hood, whose most recent novel, I had heard of, but paid only passing attention to. Now I will read everything this woman has written, and I thank her for sharing her grief--ponderous, unscalable--with the world. This is the third book I've read in the last few months (Beautiful Boy by Mike Sheff and An Exact Replica of a Figment of My Imagination by Elizabeth McCracken) that punched my heart with the enormity of a parent's love for their children, such tenderness, such sweetness, such boundlessness. It's everything, isn't it? Everything at all. Book cover and photo courtesy of Ann Hood's site.

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