30 September 2008

{Various Pretties + Happies + Heartstopperies}

Feeling balanced again, which is so pleasant. Enough sleep. Enough food. Enough breath. Fewer cigarettes. Less caffiene. Now, if I could just get that hulahooping thing to be a regular element of my day, all might be well. So, just a little bit of stuff:

My cat, she clawed my eyelid in an attempt to open it. Not a massive injury, but startling nonetheless. Now, I sleep more cautiously.
I finally got the new Jenny Lewis, Acid Tongue. Excellent. Still growing on me. Godspeed, Acid Tongue, and Carpetbaggers are my current favorites.
Finally saw Control. Good stuff. Brilliant stuff, actually. No one can demystify a man like his wife. Joy Division, You Cunt, and all that. Now listening to all the Joy Division possible and have regained a slight Ian Curtis obsession much more voracious than that of my teenage years, which is quite alarming, actually.
Finished the Twilight series. Amazing. The first vampire series I've read/been in love with since Interview with The Vampire, et al. Holy Lord. Just read them!
Still not writing. Somebody please help me!
Ignoring all economic and political news unless its on the Onion or Jon Stewart Show.
Still not calling people back, but still loving them.
Checked out the "Original Laugh-Out-Loud" cat. Very educational.
Reading Never Let Me Go by Kazuo Ishiguro. Happy to return to literaryness.
Will possibly be harboring a teenager on my couch for a week or two.

Next post will me much more interesting, I promise.

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