17 July 2008

The Panty Project by Erin Bennett

Shameless leonine self-promotion here. I never got to see the photo of me in my silver stars panties until just yesterday. This last photo is among a series taken by an old friend I don't keep in good touch with, but hold fondly in my heart. This image is a held-still moment of beauty in the beginning of what was to bring forth some of the darkest years of my life. I want to hold this beauty close. Erin's backyard in Candler park. The cool of the grass. The joy of attention, of focus, of Erin's watchful, wonder-filled eye. The photo above is of another good friend, and the one before it is an Erin self-portrait. Erin finally had her show at the awesome Youngblood Gallery, run by Maggie and Kelly, after I left town. This woman is an incredibly talented imaginative artist with a pure heart, fueled by beauty instead of ego. Check out her full gallery, and send her encouragement to go out and conquer the world. Do the same with the women at Youngblood. I think, in part, this post is an attempt to reach back at the good in those dark days. Divide up my wrongs, and, as Virginia Woolf said, to know them, and to put them away.

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